For Graphic Designers and Software Developers
Search for royalty-free stock photography, vector illustrations and stock video footage.
Over Four Million Royalty-Free Stock Photos by Subscription.
Shutterstock is the largest subscription-based stock photo agency in the world with thousands of photographs, illustrations, and vectors.
You can choose a 25-A-Day Subscription or select an On Demand Subscription.
More info at ShutterStock
More websites where you can buy Royalty Free licenses for images:

For Photographers and Draftsmen
Be a non-exclusive freelance contributor. Upload your artwork. Sell your images.
Submit photos and make $$$!
Create your Mini-Gallery and embed it to your website
More info at ShutterStock
More websites where you can sell Royalty Free licenses for your work:

What does Royalty-Free mean?
It isn't free stuff. When you buy a Royalty Free or RF license you have the right to use copyrighted material without the need to pay royalties or other fees for each use. Many license types may be available, depending on certain features: territory of application (i.e. worldwide), exclusive or non-exclusive, time period of use, for an end product or resale, per volume sold, etc.
Here you have some examples: PhotoDune, iStockPhoto, ShutterStock (Standard License vs. Enhanced License), Fotolia, Dreamstime, Pond5, DepositPhotos
Editorial use only: What does it mean?
Before you buy an image you have to review the available licenses carefully.
Editorial images are images that have not been released for commercial use. The photographer does not provide any needed additional releases with those images, i.e. a photo of a building for which the photographer could not obtain a property release or a photo with people without a model release because they have not given permission for any commercial use of that picture. An image should also be considered as editorial if names, trademarks, logos, uniforms, registered or copyrighted designs or works of art are depicted in it but you don't have all necessary rights, consents or permissions as may be required for reproduction of that image.
News and celebrity images, are not cleared for commercial use so they have to be considered as editorial.
Non-editorial or commercial or creative images can be used for almost any promotional or advertising purposes. On the other hand unreleased editorial images are intended to be used in a magazine article, documentary or blog post for illustrative purposes or to provide context, but you cannot use the image to sell anything, editorial imagery is for non-commercial, non-promotional use only.
More about editorial images: ShutterStock
Modern Art
In this section you will find a lot of contemporary abstract art and high resolution photos to give your home/office a modern sophisticated style.
Decorate your office or brighten your home is easy with all these wall art prints, using state-of-the-art printing on high-quality canvas, customizable frames and mattes.
Choose from sizes and mattes to fit any wall or room. You will get the most brilliant colors with UV-resistant archival inks and the highest quality frames.
Choose from seven different media, from basic poster to two kinds of canvas, hundreds of custom frames with three levels of mats.
Are you in a hurry? Get your prints made in 24 hours and custom framing in 10-12 days.
Dou you like shapes and colors, fractals, geometric abstract designs? Let your mind fly with abstractionism while avoid offending sensitive people with shocking images.
With ab-art (abstraction art) you don't run any risk.
Prints, Cups, Business Cards, Gift Cards, T-Shirts at Zazzle